Family Trusts

Life Assurance is the first port of call in any sound financial planning. To have adequate Life Assurance in place gives peace of mind that in the event of a premature death your loved ones will receive a lump sum pay out and will be protected and financially secure.

Life assurance is simple and it gives our clients peace of mind in knowing that in the event of their death, their loved ones are protected.

Life assurance can be set up for a specified period of time (term assurance) or for the whole of the insured’s life (whole of life assurance). There are many other protection policies designed to protect the insured and his or her family against other life events, such as illness, accident, disablement, redundancy and long-term unemployment.

Before suitable life cover can be determined our clients consider the following questions: -

  • How much cover should I have?
  • For a specified term or for the whole of my life?
  • Which protection policies should I have?
  • Which fund is most suitable?
  • Which provider is the most appropriate?
  • Do I need critical illness cover and/or income protection?
  • What would happen to my loved ones in the event of my dying?  Would they be able to maintain their  quality of life and my children go on to university?

Factors such as the age of children, who is the breadwinner of the family, how long the benefits need to be paid for and what level of cover are all relevant in determining the right solution.

At FinLuca International we help our valued clients administer their various life assurance policies.
Suite 662, 2 Old Brompton Rd, South Kensington
United Kingdom
Life Assurance
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